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Before putting comics on stage, we invite them into our studio to share some of their material with us. Then, we share it with you! 

Jeremy Seward is a Tall Guy

Young comic, filmmaker and an old friend of Judy's; Jeremy Seward is a towering 6'7'' 

He has an interesting way of attracting women.

Jon Scheiszer on Condoms 

Jon is certain of a racist conspiracy in convenience stores across the country.

Ask yourself this question...

Psychic Joke

A powerful psychic and a hilarious comic; Alex Lipton will read your inner-most thoughts and unearth what truly makes you laugh.

How to Roast an Amputee

Gail Gramlich discusses the worst show ever.

Salsa Lessons 

The lessons we learn at salsa lessons...

Safe Sex

Abstinence is not the only way, according to Joe Bartnick. 

Farts Are Bad 

He who smelt it, dealt it. 

My Wave Media LLC

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